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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Alpha male system: How can you get girls to like you

We all wonder it: how can you get girls to like you for who you are and go out with you? Is it about money, looks, charisma? What separates the geeky guys who managed to score loads of hot girls from those who just can't get a date no matter what?

There is one simple answer and the Alpha male system tells it to you: confidence.

The guys women love all share one common trait, and that is that they are confident in themselves. They do not see a need to please other people or change the way they behave and look to suit other peoples' needs. They are simply themselves, and they are happy with it.

Girls pickup on this; they know it. They know intrinsically when a guy is nervous or uncomfortable with himself (and her), and they don't go for guys like that.

In order to learn how can you get girls to like you, you need to focus on building your confidence. You need to do things that make you feel confident and strong about your abilities. This could be skiing, hiking, a favorite sport or activity, something special you can do that really makes you feel good about yourself. Then incorporate it into your daily activity.

Working on yourself is only part of the confidence equation, though. With girls, you need to be a different person. Don't focus on yourself or talking about yourself at all; ask the girl about herself and her life once you have hooked her into talking with you. It is just that simple: people like to talk about themselves and if you get them to, they will love you.

Eventually girls will realize you are just such a good listener that they will want to go out with you and spend time with you because you care and you listen. Of course you are also a smart and confident guy, which girls will find sexy. To build sexual attraction work on confidence; to build rapport with women, listen more carefully to them.

That is the simple answer to how can you get girls to like you.

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